Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Time in the good ole` US of A

Alot has happened since the last time I was on here. I will do my best not to leave anything out.

First and foremost Erin and Ryan got married and it was a beautiful wedding. I was honored to be a part of it and it also gave me a great reason to go home for awhile and visit everyone. So I went home August 7 and was supposed to return on the 14th to Honduras. My stay of one week turned into almost 2 months. The day before returning I woke up and couldn´t walk on my right leg, I went to the doctor and come to find out had a superficial blood clot. Because of this traveling was out of the question. I was finally medically cleared on the 20th of September and returned to Honduras on the 21st!!!

Since I have been back I have been given a site mate. Her name is Ana, she´s from Missouri but has lived all over, and she is working with Youth Development. I am excited to have another volunteer in Morazán and hope that we are able to colaborate with our projects.

Things with my house are a continuous work in progress. I have decided to stay in the same house and hoping to be able to have all of the modifications required by Peace Corps, for security purposes, finished soon.

Work is finally starting to come in thankfully. I am going to start working in six communities helping with the nutrition programs and giving talks to parents about some of the better ways to help get nutrients to their childrens diets. I am looking forward to this program and it appears as though this six communities will be my responsibility solo. I have also been teaching english once a week at one of the World Vision offices. I must say it is not my favorite thing to do, but after the class starts I have alot of fun, its just all of the preparation that is no fun at all, and I never thought it would be so hard to teach a language that I am fluent in. It looks as though we might be starting an HIV/AIDS support group also, but that is a very very slow process and I am not sure if it will really take off or not during my time here.

Ok I think I might be done with the update, it didn´t even take as long as I thought it would. I hope everyone is well on the homefront. I am sure the weather there is alot better than here. We are in the middle of the rainy season so just about everyday it rains atleast once. Unfortunately I happen to live in one of the few humid areas in Honduras and because of that the rain doesn´t tend to help with the sweat. I sweat non-stop here. I bought an inside thermometer for my house while I was in the states and I have it in my kitchen, one of the coolest spots in my house, and it amazes me that I still have not seen it get below 75 and that is at the coolest time of the day. The funny part is that I am completely comftorable when it is 75 in my house to me that is cool and I look forward to it. Another volunteer told me that October and November are supposed to be the worst months for hurricanes and that people in her town said that we should expect 5 more before the season is over. Oh yeah and supposedly the department of Yoro is the only one in the country that has earthquakes!! Oh what luck I have. I have actually not felt anything although there are other parts of this area that have had a couple of house fall to the ground.

That is all for me right now. I love you all, keep me posted.

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