Thursday, June 28, 2007


So it appears as though I might end up doing something here after all. Everything is definately a process here and finding work is no exception. I am going to start working with a 5th grade class next friday and this week I started going to the aldeas (small communities) to help with the weighing of children and distribution of medicine. From this I think I am going to get alot more work, because there appears to be a real need for education of nutrition and hygene.

I am taking it all one day at a time. Every day is completely different in terms of my emotions. But I am pushing through it and the people that I work with have been great in supporting me. I move into my own place this weekend. This will be another big change for me, it is going to be great I know but going to take alot of getting used to because I only know how to live with families in this country.

I am good, I love you all and appreciate all the support that you have given me.


pcbaker said...

Hey Nicole,

Sorry I haven't kept up with writing you. No excuses just aren't any. Everything here is the same, go to work come home and get up and do it all again. We have been to Charlotte and Michigan to the races this summer. Nothing exciting as what you are experiencing. It may not seem like such fun now or at certain times but know that you are gaining so much knowledge & eye opening things. Your dad talked to Darlene Hoyt from St. Paris and she said her son Tony had just applied to the Peace Corp. Darlene is a friend of Patty's and your Mom's.
Well take care and we'll see you when you get home in August. Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I MISS YOU!!!! Let me know when and for how long you will be home in August! Sounds like things are rollin' for ya. We have lots to catch up on. ~Jewls

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole, its Linda Pollock. I just want to say thanks for going to Honduras. I know parts of it are hard and parts of it are amazing so I'm just glad you did it and can look back on it in 5 years and see all the ways God taught you more, allowed you to see Him more clearly and drew you into His heart for people all over the world...even if you have days wehre you don't feel like you are getting anything done! Hang in there! Love ya!